Frequently Asked Questions
Simple. Mail us at or use the contact us page directly from the website. One of our agents will be in contact as soon as possible.
Yes. The R 99 per month subscription includes all subjects for a particular grade and any other materials specific to the grade that is subscribed for, that is available on the system such as past year papers, games, study tips and study guides.
At TeachSA we do not force any of our users and subscribers into long term contracts. Your usage of the system is based on a month-to-month subscription. If you do not like the system (highly unlikely) or cannot afford to continue using it – simple, do not renew your subscription.
Yes. You can, the good news is, if you subscribe for an annual package you will receive a 20% discount.
Do not worry, we got you covered. Around the 25th of every month, the TeachSA system will automatically generate a renew notice that will be forwarded to the email address that you used to register onto the system. Click the renew button, pay and you good to go.
Good question...
If you register on or before the 20th of any month your subscription will be valid for the current month. You will also receive all the lessons and exercises for the month. Example. If you subscribe on the 18 June 2021, you will have access to all the lessons and exercises for the month of June including the period from the 01st June 2021 to 17th June 2021
If you subscribe after the 20th of a particular month, you will receive that month’s access for free and your subscription will be allocated towards the following month. Example. If you subscribe on the 21 of June 2021, you will have access from the 21 June 2021 until the 30 July 2021. You next payment will be due on the 01 August 2021 for the month of August 2021.
No, depending on what date you register your child will receive all the material for that particular or for the remainder of the days in the month. Also refer to the answer of question no 6. It explains this in detail.
On a month-to-month subscription it is not necessary to cancel your subscription. It simply expires and you do not renew it.
Yes, you can, the system will retain your user credentials for a 12-month period. Simply log in renew your subscription and off you go.
Good question...
There are 2 different dashboards, a parent dashboard and student dashboard. The daily lessons and exercises are only available on the student dashboard. The student is required to log in with the details and password that you set up on behalf of your child during registration. The parent dashboard will only have access to your child’s performance reports and features to update information, renew subscription etc.
The exercises remain on the child’s dashboard until it is completed. On the classroom menu in the dashboard, the child will be able to see the completed exercises, today exercises and the incomplete exercises. It is important to note that the child will not be given access to the monthly assessment if all daily exercises are not complete. The monthly assessments are very important and can be regarded as a mini exam that tests the child’s understanding of the concepts that were taught during the month.
No. As mentioned in question 11, access to the monthly assessment is only available once all daily exercises are completed.
Yes, the student will have access to all previous content from the month of his subscription and will have the ability to browse and refresh and revise on all study material.
The system currently holds the Mind the GAP study guides that are freely available on the internet. We are simply including the guides as an easy reference for the children with all material in one place that is easy to find and navigate.
Yes, we have matric past year papers and the answer memos for most subjects.
No, unfortunately not. TeachSA is currently subsidizing the cost to ensure that we can bring digital education to every child out. R 99 per month is a very reasonable price for all the functionality that is available.
Yes. An email address is not compulsory for the child. You can simply choose a username of your choice and a password for the child. It is however compulsory for the parent to have an email address as all communication will be directed to this email address.
As the parent, you have access to your own dashboard. On this dash board you can view the progress of your child on subject performance, overall performance and also incomplete exercise.
